PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin)

PRF stands for Platelet Rich Fibrin.  This is a blood isolate of leukocytes (think immune cells) and fibrin (think growth factors) that is created on-site via centrigugation from the patient’s own blood, with no chemistry added at all. It’s all completely natural! 

Solid or liquid variations of the PRF are generated via blood draws in our practice on site via centrifugation and subsequent hot/cold treatment and then used to enhance and speed healing in:

  • tooth extraction sites
  • periodontal (gum disease) pockets
  • the prevention of dry sockets
  • the improvement of gum and bone grafting for implants
  • injection in cavitations and abcesses in the maxilla and mandible
  • and much more! 

Dr. Nick’s teaching center, the Center for Neural Occlusion (CNO), teaches other doctors how to apply PRF state-of-the-art techniques and protocols in their practices .  One of the doctors who sits on his CNO Board of Advisors is literally a worlds expert on PRF and related topics, Dr. Rick Miron DDS, BMSC, MSc, PhD, who travels here to lecture with Dr. Nick here in Northwest Arkansas annually to update the regional doctors on the latest and greatest available from PRF.  The course is called CNO5.

See sample of CNO5: 

See PRF Playlist on the DrNickDDS channel: